Knitting Pattern

  • Crochet Pattern,  Knitting Pattern

    Combination Slipper Pattern: A Free Knitting AND Crochet Pattern!

    For this pattern you will need to know how to crochet AND how to knit.

    Worsted Weight Yarn
    Size 7 DPNS
    F Crochet Hook
    Darning Needle

    You can create larger or smaller slippers by either going up or down a hook and needle size or by subtracting or adding stitches in increments of 6.

    You do not need DPNS, you can also use magic loop or 9 inch circulars.

    Starting with your crochet hook, chain 18.
    R1: HDC in 2nd chain from hook and in each stitch across until last chain. In the last chain, HDC 3. Instead of turning your work you will be working down the opposite side of your chain, back toward the beginning. Chain 1 and turn your work. (36 stitches)

    R2: Single Crochet in the back loop of each stitch around. Chain 1 and turn. DO NOT JOIN YOUR WORK! (36 stitches
    R3-R18: SC in the back loop of each stitch around. Chaining 1 and turning your work after each row.
    Using your crochet hook, slip stitch to join in the round. (36 stitches

    Using your DPNS and crochet hook, pick up 36 stitches evenly placed on 3 DPNS. See pictures below to see how I did this.

    R19-46: Knit each around.
    Knit 4, Knit 2tog
    Knit 3, Knit 2tog
    Knit 2, Knit 2tog
    Knit 1, Knit 2tog
    Knit 2 tog.
    Cut your yarn with a 2 foot tail and weave your yarn though the remaining stitches on your needles, Remove needles and pull yarn to close your toe. Knot off and weave in your ends.

    I love to see your creations so please feel free to tag me on Instagram!

  • Knitting Pattern

    Knit Checkerboard Slipper Pattern

    Size 8 needles for toddler and children

    Size 10 needles for women and men

    Cast on stitches 

    Toddler: 48

    Children: 60

    Women: 72

    Men: 84

    Toddler size: 8 blocks across 5 blocks long plus 1 decrease block

    Children Size: 10 Blocks across 7 blocks long plus 1 decrease block

    Womens Size: 12 Blocks across, 8 blocks long plus 1 decrease block

    Mens Size: 14 Blocks across, 11 blocks long plus 1 decrease block

    Blocks are 6 stitches each and 6 rows long. 

    Every row uses the knit stitch, No Purling. 

    At the end of each row you will anchor your yarn.

    The wrong side of your work will have what are called floats. You will pull your yarn across the stitches you just created. This is what creates the bumps in the slipper.

    To start: 

    Cast on your number of stitches leaving a long tail for sewing up the heel at the end. For this example I will be using The women’s size. 

    Cast on 72 in color 1.

    Knit 6 stitches. Attach color 2 and knit 6 stitches.
    Pulling the working end of color 1 across the color 2 stitches you just made, Knit 6 stitches. Repeat until the end of the row and turn your work. 

    You will be anchoring your color at the very end to create a curl and finished look at the end. The pictures below show what you are to do.

    When working on the wrong side of your work, you will be using the knit stitch. After working your 6 stitches, pull the color you just knit with toward you. You will then cross the 2nd color across those 6 stitches and pull that yarn to the back of your work and knit the next 6 stitches. Repeat across and make sure to anchor your yarn at the end of your row.

    When you reach the number of blocks needed for your size you will do 1 decrease block.
    R1: K1, K2tog, K1, K2tog (4 stitches now for each block)
    R2: K1, K2tog, K1, K1, K2tog, K1 across ( 3 stitches now for each block)
    R3: Knit across
    R4: Knit across
    R5: K1, K2tog across (2 stitches now for each block)
    R6: K2tog across (1 stitch now for each block)

    This will be what the inside of your slipper should look like in the end.

    To tie up your toe, cut both colors and take 1 color and thread though your stitches on your needle. Take stitches off your needle and tie a knot with your 2 colors. You will sew up the top part of the foot to close it in. For the women’s size I usually sew up 6 of the 10 blocks. This is preference and you can sew as far down the top as you need. Sew in ends.

    I like to turn my slipper inside out to sew up the heel. Take the tail you left from your cast on and fold your slipper heel in half matching the ends. Sew up the heel of your slipper. Weave in your ends.

    Check out these other patterns from Mountain Pine Crochet.
    Tunisian Crochet Christmas Tree Pillow Pattern
    Watermelon Granny Square Pattern
    Crochet Hadley Headband Pattern